To ensure assignments are a fully integrated part of the learning journey, you can also insert an assignment which will create a direct link in Materials and in Community Feed posts.
This feature can be used for:
- Adding formative or summative assignments to relevant pages in Materials so that the assignment's location, timing and purpose is made very clear to students.
- Posting a reminder in the Community Feed that assignments are due soon.
- Posting an ad hoc, formative assignment in the Community Feed.
Once a user – either a Student or an Educator – clicks on the assignment block, it will take them to their own view of that assignment in the relevant tool (Handin or Turnitin).
Link Assignment to Posts
- Click on the + symbol in the text editor.
- Choose Assignment in the drop-down menu.
- Select the assignment from the list.
When you create an assignment – whether in Turnitin or Handin – it will always appear in the Assignments list in Journey > Assignments. As long as it's been made visible, students will be able to locate it and access it from there.
Dynamic Information
Unlike static assignment links or 'submission points' used in other LMSs, assignment blocks in Aula dynamically display key details of the assignment based on the status of the assignment and the user viewing the block. This includes:
- Due dates
- The status of the assignment
- Whether or not a student viewing the assignment has already submitted their work
- What grade they received
Educator view | Student view |
Upcoming Assignments
You can either hide assignments from students until you're ready to release them or you can make them visible right away. This way, your students will only be able to see the assignment's title and the key dates. However, they won't be able to access the assignment and upload their submission to it until the assignment becomes open, according to the "Open date" that you configure.
You can share an upcoming assignment in your message as an assignment block, and the students will only be to see it, but not access it.