This article will show how educators can get an overview of which students have and haven't submitted an assignment, using the Submissions List and Student Success App.
Submissions List
- Head to Journey > Assignments.
- Click on the relevant assignment in the list.
In this view you can:
- See a list of students grouped by the status of their submission: On-time submissions, Late submissions, No submission.
- Check the submission rate for the whole cohort (e.g. 5/8 submissions).
- Navigate to the assignment itself.
- Navigate to an individual student's submission.
Student Success App
- Head to Journey > Assignments > Student Success App.
- In the new SSA window, click on the relevant assignment in the list.
In this view you can:
- See a list of students with relevant labels: Late submission, Not graded, Not submitted.
- Navigate to the assignment or itself.
- Navigate to an individual student's submission.
Handin Or Turnitin
Alternatively, you can visit the assignment page within the relevant assignment tool (Turnitin or Handin). However, both of these provide a somewhat limited view:
- Turnitin Assignment Inbox shows only students that have submitted their assignments.
- Handin assignment page includes full details of all students in a space, but lacks a clear list view.