To make the learning experience even more engaging, you can use numerous external tools with Aula. This article details available options and potential use cases.
Aula Integrations
Integration refers to an app or software that is linked to Aula "behind the scenes". If requested by your institution, it's added to your Aula environment and available directly in the Aula editor. In most cases, your university will need a license to use those third-party services.
- Head to the Aula editor.
- Click on the + icon on the left side of the page.
- Click Integrations.
- Select the one you would like to use and the content will be embedded in Aula.

Link Embeds
For some apps, pasting a link into Aula will be just enough to generate a nice preview. For example, it might be a preview of an image, a board, or an inline video player. These services usually won't require a license, however, the link will have to be public in order to appear correctly within Aula.
Available Tools
Below you will find a list of some of the available integrations and recommended software that you can use. It's not an exhaustive list – you can copy over and embed links to many other services!
Integrations have to be enabled on our side in cooperation with your institution, so you might not see all of them in your space. However, Default Integrations are available on all Aula environments.
👨🏽🏫 Virtual Classrooms
Description | Type | |
BigBlueButton |
Integration |
Nearpod |
Integration |
Engageli |
Integration |
🎞 Video Embedding and Streaming
Description | Type | |
YouTube |
Link Embed |
Vimeo |
Link Embed |
Echo360 |
Integration |
Panopto |
Integration |
Planet eStream |
Integration |
📚 Resources and File Sharing
Description | Type | |
Google Drive |
Default Integration |
Dropbox |
Default Integration |
OneDrive |
Default Integration |
Slideshare |
Link Embed |
Bibliu |
Integration |
Talis Aspire |
Integration |
🧩 Forms and Feedback
Description | Type | |
Google Form |
Link Embed |
Typeform |
Link Embed |
📝 Writing and Sharing Code
Description | Type | |
Codepen |
Link Embed |
GitHub |
Link Embed |
Code |
Default Integration |
🎨 Collaboration and Creativity
Description | Type | |
Padlet |
Link Embed |
Link Embed | |
X (former Twitter) |
Link Embed |
Flat |
Link Embed |