Students and educators are now able to star their most important spaces so navigating between them is easier. Similar to emails, where we can star the most relevant messages, your spaces in Aula can also be starred so you find them quicker.
The starred category is default, that is, what you view first, even if you don't have starred spaces yet.
The other categories - Current Academic Year, Previous Academic Year, Communities and Training - will still exist.
- Blank star icon - unstarred space
- Filled star icon - starred space
Star a Space
Each space has a star icon next to its title. Whenever you want to star a space, click on the blank star icon next to it.
Unstar a Space
To unstar a space, click on the filled star icon next to it, and it will be unstarred.
Find Starred Spaces in the List
Starred spaces is the default list, the first one you view. All the spaces you've starred are in this list.
To see other spaces, even the unstarred ones, click in one of the other options at the bottom of the selector, which could be All Spaces (like in the example below) or different Academic Years. The other lists contain starred and unstarred spaces together.
Q1: Are starred spaces available on mobile?
A: No, just in the web-app.
Q2: My institution don't have academic years. So how does starring work in this case?
A: Institutions without academic years now have one additional category in the space selector called 'Starred'. Your main category will now be called ‘All Spaces’.
Q3: Can people with only staff-access star spaces?
A: No. They will be able to see the starred category but they can’t star anything as they’re not part of that space.