Handin is Aula's native assignment tool. In this article, we will show how to submit an assignment using Handin and how to confirm if your submission was successful.
Submit An Assignment
- Click on Journey > Assignments.
- You will now see all assignments on your space ordered by their due date. Icons to the left of each assignment will help you determine if an assignment is set up in Turnitin or Handin.
- Click on a Handin assignment to upload your paper.
- A new Handin window will open. Click on Submit work in the top right corner.
- In the new pop-up, you can type in your assignment directly within the editor or add attachments using the plus button to the left.
- Once you're ready, confirm with Submit.
If you encounter any trouble or issues when submitting your assignment, please take a screenshot of your issue and contact your educator. Aula Support is unable to identify if you attempted a submission or not.
- You are unable to submit an assignment when using the mobile app. If you have to use a mobile device, then please follow the instructions in this article.
- You can upload multiple files and multiple file types. Head here to read more.
- The file size limit per file is 1GB, but you can upload multiple 1GB files to your assignment before saving.
- You can compress the file using Zip software prior to submitting it.
- You can submit a link to an external drive, where local file size limitations will apply. You will be prompted to add a file from Dropbox or Google Drive, but you can submit a link to any external drive such as MS OneDrive. Please note that you would need to check with your educator if they would accept this format of submission.
Confirm Your Submission Was Successful
- Head to Journey > Assignments, and locate the relevant Handin assignment. It will now have a "Submitted" label on it.
- Click on the assignment to go to the Handin page where you'll be able to see:
- your submission,
- date and time of upload,
- grade and feedback (if released),
- Edit Submission button (if enabled),
- a conversation with the Educator at the very bottom of the page.