To ensure that you have the best possible experience in Aula, it's important to use one of the listed browsers and operating systems as well as use an Internet connection that meets the minimum bandwidth requirements.
Internet Bandwidth
Internet speed is a common cause when it comes to issues with files uploads/downloads, general loading, or things appearing a little wonky. We suggest a minimum of 10mbps for smooth Aula usage.
If you use a VPN, this may decrease your speed.
System Requirements
In order to support the largest group of users while balancing it with the time needed to work on further developments to the Aula platform, we've chosen to focus on a selection of browsers and operating systems.
System requirements | |
Desktop Operating Systems |
Browsers |
Aula's new updates support the following minimum browser version: |
Mobile Operating Systems |
Make sure your browser and operating system are regularly up to date. We know it's not always that simple, but it will make your experience on most websites more enjoyable!
Internet Explorer Support
Microsoft is in the process of depreciating the Internet Explorer browser. We have stopped supporting Internet Explorer in order to focus on feature updates and delivering the best Aula experience that we can. As an alternative, you can use Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Opera.
If you reach out to the Product Support team for help with an issue you're experiencing on the platform, we might need to ask you to check your internet speed and browser information.
Browser Information
To check which browser version you're currently using, you can follow these steps:
1. Head to
2. Send the Unique URL to the Product Support team, so we can double-check everything looks as it should.
Please note that Javascript needs to be enabled on your browser for Aula to work properly.
If your browser is out of date or unsupported, you will need to update your browser to the most recent version. For help with this, please follow the steps outlined here.
Internet Speed
To check your internet speed, you can follow these steps:1. Head to and press Go.
2. Press the paper clip icon to share the results with the Support Team or send a screenshot directly to the team.