As an Educator, you can check who is enrolled in your module by heading to the Space settings. This is also where you'll be able to export the list of module participants to a CSV file. You can also view when they were added.
Check Module Participants
- Navigate to the relevant module and click on the Name of your module at the top.
- Click on the People icon ("Participants and Groups").
- You'll now be able to see a full list of members of the module.
- Educators will have a pink Educator label under their names.
- You can search through the list using the search bar at the top.
- You can also sort the list by either last names or roles. To do so, click on the Last name in the top right and choose the relevant option.
- Educators will have a pink Educator label under their names.
Export the list of participants
Click on the download iconin the top right of the Participants tab, and choose a relevant option. The file will be downloaded to your local drive.
View Participants History
This feature allows you to see who was added to your module, when, and by whom.
- Navigate to your Module and click on the Name of your module at the top.
- Click on the People icon ("Participants and Groups").
- Click on the Clock button to the right of the page.
- To the left of the screen, you will see a sidebar with a list of all changes. "Admin import" entries indicate changes made on our end.